I really wanted to gain somewhat knowledge of this certain subject, i brought me a DSLR camera the Canon 400D which was my prized possession and got right into photography in and out of school. The teacher we had was complete idiot though, not really teaching us anything about the history of photography nor the basics of photo shop. The school had just had a huge upgrade on computers within the art department so 20 Apple imac computers were what thing everyone in the class was learning to use. Despite the fact that my teacher who was teaching me a whole bunch of crap i already knew i scored an excellence in my first photography assessment which i was so happy about. Throughout the year i guess i did gain some knowledge a few self taught photo shop skills well with the help of Scotty Mac (My good friend) :) it was known as the bum subject, not a lot of people actually done the subject for their passion for photography, before i knew it it was time for folios, which was meant to be about "me, myself & I" so the teacher came up with, from her not explaining the idea of it properly it left pretty much the entire class thinking "Uhhhhhhh WHHHHAT"?!? hardly any of us got the concept until we demanded her to tell us in detail of what we were meant to do, eventually i got it and i scored a merit which i was pretty happy bout considering i through it together about 3 weeks before it was due and we had a whole 17 weeks to complete it.
throughout the year i became extremely good friends with a girl names Ashleigh Coghlan who i will introduce in future posts, but with a gain comes a loss right? i kinda had a falling out with my bestfriend Chelsea, well not a falling out but a somewhat drift between our friendships, we went from hanging every weekend to everyday (she had left school) to me staying at her house during the week and going to school from her house to hanging every few days to never even hearing from her via text message, this really through me off concentration on school and it felt like my whole world was sinking from when Jazz left for Aussie, i mean its pretty much the same my bestfriend moved country and my other bestie stops talking to me both situations are pretty much related! Sure i still had other friends but you know that whole feeling of losing someone who you could tell absoulutely anything to is just heartbereaking! too me anyway everyone is different. But in saying that, i thank Chelsea for a lot, she helped me meet the people who are most important to me now days, Alicia, Ashlee, Scott, Amber, Lilly, Josh and more.
Every weekend, me and Chels would hang with Josh and his skater friends who i ended up becoming reallllly good friends with, then the holidays hit and we were staying at eachothers houses every day (mostly mine) but that was all good. I'd take photos of the guys skating and stuff which was just my type of thing to do.
Back to school..
Then came prizegiving, and i managed to land 1st in photography, which made me want to continue in my new found love for photos, cameras and art. the holidays hit and then all of a sudden it was time to go back to school for year 13, my final year of highschool and i was determined to make it the best! which now that i look back it most definately was the best year at college! I was chosen to be leader of photography along side my co partner Joram who was another kid in love with the idea of photography, our role was to take photos for the school magazine and shit. I got involved more with taking photos of sport, which is funny considering i haden't played any type of sport since year 11 asides from family touch and indoor netball but it was extremely fun and made the year exciting from going on the school trips and what not! Thankfully 2011 got us a new photography teacher after our 2010 teacher decided to move across the seas to Europe or something. So i was all for meeting the new photography teacher, i had heard she was an actually photographer so i was excited! then came my first photography class of the year, and i wasn't disapointed! she went straight into talking about light exposure and shutter speed and it was all new knowledge i was gaining, i didn't want to miss a class at all, suddenly my attendance went from hardly at school to only having 4 days off throughout the whole of 2011... WOAAAAAAH! inpressive right? anywho i cranked a excellence in my first two assignments and scored a merit in my level three photography folio i was stoked because i was told the marking standards have risen and my folio would have been an excellence the year before.
The year in general was amazing, i now had descovered something that could potentially be a future career for me, and i was determined to study it in 2012 which is what i start on Monday. In like November i chose to apply at Massey University but then the whole idea of going to Uni scared me A LOT i looked more into other options Otago, Canterbury and even Auckland then even more than uni the whole idea of moving to another city scared! I decided to look into Weltec not thinking i would be interested in it at all, then i read into the Creative Technololgies courses, theres a certificate in design, certificate in creative technologies and Bachelor in creative technologies which you could choose out of majoring in Digital Media, Cultural Design, Product Engineering and Interior Design of course i looked more into the Digital Media major, it covers all aspects of Photography, Typography, Anamation, Web Design and even Film and Television. I fell in love with the idea of having a Bachelor on my CV and applied instantly. i'm pretty excited and fuckin nervous as hell.
So we're up to the present, now i'm sitting in my room, flicking between text, reading the hunger games and typing this shit out and listening to a mix of Maroon 5, Lauryn Hill and Six60 odd mix with the Maroon 5 but i like their music, before the "moves like jagger" song came out anyway!
In my next post i'll do purely photos just for fun :)
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